Caoimhe Craig
Great grandparents’ house raided by Black and Tans looking for hidden guns
Great grandparents’ house raided by Black and Tans looking for hidden guns
Story of the IRA attack on Howe Strand Coastguard Station
Great grandfather was one of first civilians to see Michael Collins dead in hospital
Great great grandparents’ safe house raid stopped when saw photo of WW1 soldier on wall & realised ‘a Tommy’s House’
Great grandparents had safe house in attic; Great grandmother saved a man from being shot by standing in front of him
Great great granduncle in RIC; his son joined IRA; killed in car accident when Black and Tans crashed into him
Great grandfather’s farm a safe house; raided and Republican shot dead as he ran away
The story of the Kilmichael Ambush
Great grandfather stopped by Black & Tans on way to creamery & escaped questioning
Bullet holes in grandmother’s uncle’s house after Black and Tan attack
Multiple stories about Colomane and IRA, Black and Tans, arms dumps, arrests and more
The Blarney Street Invasion
Great Grandfathers house raided by Black and Tans
Great grandfather in IRA; blew up barracks in Drimoleague and other stories
Stories about great grandfather in IRA
Great Great Grandfather fought in 1916 Rising and later experiences in IRA; his sister was in Cuman na mBan and was in GPO in 1916
Great grandfather in IRA at age of 15
Great grandmother saved IRA men by warning safe house about Black and Tans raid
Movie Director John Ford sent money to IRA-neighbour Micheál O droignean
Great grandmother’s homeplace was safe house before Crossbarry Ambush