Ciara McCarthy
Family story of Vol Michael McCarthy & The Kilmichael Ambush
Family story of Vol Michael McCarthy & The Kilmichael Ambush
Family story of Volunteer Philip Holland and attack on Lord Bandon
Family story of the Kelly’s Bros volunteers in the IRA
Family story of the Kilmichael Ambush
Family story of Volunteer Michael Riordan from Bandon
Story of family’s safe house in Kilbrittain and how female English Doctor stopped house being burned
Great Grandfather hid gun in shed and hid himself in field when Black and Tans raided his house
Multiple family stories about personal experiences including family’s safe house, trying to travel during Civil War and more
Leap IRA attack and mortally wound Black and Tan
Several stories about Kilmichael ambush, reprisals for helping rebels, child finding stray bullets etc
Great Great grandparents’ workers on farm hid in hay stacks when Black and Tans raided house
Family relation IRA messenger shot in back aged 15 by Black and Tans
Family stories about being raided and secret messages & providing cover for Tom Barry’s reconnaissance of Skibbereen RIC Barracks
Great Grandfather as a little boy sitting on lap of ‘freedom fighter’ who was kidnapped and killed
The burning of Cork
Great grandfather in IRA, involved in Crossbarry ambush & had lucky escape from grenade with pin still in
Farmer hid in hay cocks as terrified of Black and Tans & story of GGmother being stopped and searched
Black and Tan drowned in lake while chasing ghost
The day the Black and Tans called